Research indicates that 40% of women snore regularly. Whilst a taboo subject, the reality is that women avoid discussing the issue and do not seek medical attention to find solutions. This could lead to medical conditions that may have long-reaching effects on the health of the person. Talk to a doctor or sleep clinic specialist to find a solution.
Holidays are a time to relax and enjoy romantic nights as a couple. Snoring may have a negative impact on this well deserved annual holiday. Avoiding excessive amounts of alcohol, over-eating and smoking are key factors to making this special time a great time for couples.
There are 7 simple solutions that could help you or your partner manage the dreaded snoring, resulting in a satisfying nights sleep, for both parties. Based on research conducted in sleep clinics, following one or more of these suggestions, will have a positive impact on snoring.
When were tennis balls sewn into pyjamas first used as a solution to stop people snoring? It has been stated that sleeping with 'balls' may just make life so uncomfortable, that snoring is no longer an issue!
Menopause can be a time when women experience an increase in snoring, due to a decrease in the production of estrogen. It is around this time that women experience increased snoring and changed sleep patterns, suffering many of the side-effects of menopause, which make a peaceful nights sleep troublesome.
There are a number of different ways that people snore. Understanding your snoring habits is crucial to establishing a solution that works best for you and your sleep partner. No matter which was you snore, a mandibular advancement device is most likely to offer a 'sound' solution.
What are the three main factors that influence why people snore? Understanding these three main factors may just be the gateway to you finding simple solutions to your own snoring.
The debate over snoring solutions wages on! Whilst some still postulate that tennis balls sewn into the back of your snoring partners PJ's is the solution, we know from many sleep studies conducted, that a mandibular advancement device (which moves the lower jaw forward by just a few millimeters) is the most effective solution to most forms of snoring. However - best you trial it for yourself!