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The Much Debated Question - Does Sex Help you Sleep Better?

If sleeping is a struggle for you, it would definitely be worthwhile exploring solutions that could help you to get a better night's rest. If you constantly struggle with sleeping, this may be a good reason to pay the doctor a visit. But, for the occasional sleep issue, the solution may be right in your own bed - married, in a relationship, or flying solo, you could help your body and mind relax, enabling you to get the sleep you deserve. 

Sex and Hormonal Release

Sexual activities, especially those involving orgasm, release various hormones that contribute to body relaxation. One of the issues that arises from the relationship between sex and sleep is that your libido, or desire to have sex, may be compromised when tired. However, many people find that once they have been sexually stimulated, their body response will begin to take over.

Of course, you never want to force anything of such an intimate nature, and if you or your partner are just not feeling up to it, you can always try again at a later date. After all, you want to relax, not feel stressed out.

Sex Hormones

First off, simply being with an intimate partner can be relaxing and begin to release feel good hormones and reduce stress. But what contributes directly to a better sleep are oxytocin and prolactin– two hormones released during and after orgasm. These hormones induce feel good relaxation, and combined with the drop in cortisol your body experiences (a hormone associated with stress), your physical and mental response is to release tension.

Studies show that these hormonal changes create a sense of drowsiness and allow people to fall asleep easier. Participants in studies show this may affect males slightly more than females, but that it is fairly significant in both sexes.

Sex also releases endorphins, which is a pain relieving hormone. If you struggle with pain related issues that keep you from falling asleep, these can be alleviated as well.

Going Solo

Even though most studies in this field surround heterosexual relationships, or relationships with other intimate partners, this doesn’t mean you can’t take advantage of it on your own. Masturbation, or the practice of sexual self-stimulation, often results in orgasm which will release the same hormones to allow you to relax.

However, neurotransmitters are activated with close intimacy, such as skin on skin contact, kissing, or even intimate discussions and lend themselves well to the overall experience. Although you may not get quite the same benefits overall when on your own due to how partner intimacy can enhance certain hormone release, your body will respond in a similar manner.

Other Sexual Benefits

A healthy sex life doesn’t just help with sleep issues, there are many other things that you can take advantage of when you regularly indulge.

  • Increased immune system

  • Lower blood pressure

  • Decreased anxiety and depression

  • Boost in self-esteem

  • Physical and mental stress reduction

  • Better problem solving skills (most likely from a deeper rest)

  • Better sexual health

  • Better heart health


If you are struggling with insomnia, or other sleep related issues and haven’t yet considered what sex can do for you, it’s well worth trying out. Whether you are in a committed, trusting relationship, or prefer to try it out on your own, hormone release will help your body relax and support a better night’s rest.

If you still struggle with sleep after trying everything you can, be sure to visit with your healthcare provider, to help determine what steps you can take to avoid sleep deprivation and effects on your health.

For more detailed information, follow the link to "The Sleep Judge" article that covers this subject in greater detail:

A much debated question indeed... Does sex help you sleep better? Herewith an article by Danielle Mcleod, Pillow Expert, Product Tester & Editor for "The Sleep Judge." Danielle is one of the Review Team members and their resident Pillow Expert

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